While food, gas, and housing prices are at record highs and many businesses are looking to cut costs, Rice Memorial High School is giving their teachers a raise.
Rice Memorial High School is excited to announce the new Rice Teaches Excellence Fund which retroactively increases all faculty salaries to be on par with or above the current Chittenden County teacher market rate. The fund was made possible by a generous group of anonymous donors. Their generous gifts, along with the success of the recent fundraising campaign to pay off Rice’s renovation debt, has favorably positioned the school financially while strengthening the education opportunities available through Rice.
“We have excellent teachers at Rice Memorial High School,” says Principal Lisa Lorenz. “And this generous gift allows us to financially acknowledge their dedication and commitment to providing a rigorous, faith-based education as well as recruit the best faculty.”
In addition, this fund will allow the school to provide annual bonuses based on performance evaluations and expand our professional development opportunities. The fund will also allow for the future expansion of a diverse pool of qualified teachers by offering competitive salaries as positions open through attrition and retirement.
“Our teachers often tell us that they work in Catholic education because of the mission not the money,” says Bishop Christopher Coyne. “They have often taken salaries that are lower than their public-school colleagues and have made many sacrifices for this mission. This generous gift allows us to move their salaries close to the current market rate and reward their work as they help shape the next generation of compassionate and faithful women and men dedicated to excellence.”
“Rice teachers have long enjoyed the autonomy that the position offers with the freedom and flexibility to design their own instruction, “says Principal Lisa Lorenz. “Now the salary picture has made Rice an even brighter place to work.”