I enjoy teaching Religion because it is the subject matter that is the fulfillment of all of my studies. I have been lucky enough to teach many different courses thus far in my career (Latin and History), but Religion is the one dearest to me.
I choose to teach at Rice because: Rice is a fantastic community. My colleagues are incredibly intelligent and terrific individuals who truly care about the students. And the students at Rice are hardworking, intelligent, and very kind and compassionate.
What is your favorite thing about your job? I am honored and blessed to pray with and for my students.
If you had an unexpected afternoon off, what would you do with your time? I would love to spend the afternoon by the lake, or a beach.
Best vacation/trip you’ve ever been on: Going to Disney World with my family.
Favorite tradition/fieldtrip/project you do in your classroom each school year: Spending time in Adoration with my classes.
Favorite Rice tradition or event: I have a feeling it will probably be Stunt Nite.
Favorite Rice Sports Team to watch: I am looking forward to seeing them all!
Favorite Professional Sports Team or Athlete: I am a total Olympic Games Enthusiast. Winter Games, Summer Games, I love them all- I am particularly fond of Modern Pentathlon, and Figure Skating. 1988 Calgary “Battle of the Brians” is still my favorite moment in sports history.
If a prospective family asked you “why should I send my student to Rice,” what would you say?
Rice is a welcoming community with a Christ centered mission. It is the ideal College Prep
Anything else you'd like to say?
I spent three years working as a guidance counselor. Though I enjoyed the experience and
the thrill of helping students achieve their college goals, I am extremely happy to be back in the classroom, my first love.
I am a Marian Helper associated with the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.